Privacy Policy

At Workwavez Solutions, we figure privacy is probably dead. But since India has a law that requires us to have a policy, here it is.

We don’t bother trying to figure out who you are or what you do on our website by IP address or any other tracking mechanism. We do monitor general traffic and page views. And we prefer humans over computers or robots because we think you will like our articles.

If you subscribe to our newsletter, we put you on our email list, and know you by your email address. We send you a weekly newsletter and sometimes additional information that we would really like you to read.

We don’t sell or give our email lists to other people or companies. And we don’t allow our advertisers to retarget you. But sometimes we let other people pay us to send out emails.

If you have any questions or want further information, please contact us at

This policy has been in effect since April 2023.
